Health and Fitness

How To Have More Energy Every Day

Do you ever find yourself in a place where you’re sluggish and fatigued each day? Do you find yourself going to bed late, fuelling the fatigue? Are you finding that breaking the late-to-bed habit is an ongoing process? If so, have faith.

This was me for a long time. I then came to realise there were aspects of my life that were contributing to this low energy. In turn the reduced energy levels affected my confidence.

I began to recognize this as an opportunity for me to develop a way of taking myself from having virtually no energy to feeling motivated to move and do!

The personal development research I have completed over the years, and that I still continue on a daily basis, is revealing that certain aspects need to be in place for my energy levels – and hence my mood and confidence – to increase:

Energy Strategy – Raising Your Moods Consistently Every Morning

1. A good night’s sleep, or if not, having time in the day to rest and catch up on your lost sleep. Being able to take control and do this when you are able to helps in you keeping control of your mental and physical energy throughout the day

2. Some kind of movement to get the energy flowing: ie exercise, doing [a] physical task/s etc

3. Some kind of technique to release baggage and help you feel more of a sense of connectedness to yourself, others, the world, the universe eg Emotional Freedom (‘Tapping’) Therapy

4. Fuel (good food): so that your brain works at the optimum level

5. Water: a good amount throughout the day to increase the electrical activity in the brain. The ideal is said to be 2-6 litres per day.

6. Clean, ordered, de-cluttered environment, which helps with feeling you have more energy and that you’re in control

7. Some sort of prioritized and positive set of targets you know you can achieve in the day, even if it’s at a stretch: eg a to-do list

8. Some sort of positive, achievable and realistic set of timeframes: so that your mind knows there is an end point you can actually achieve

9. A healthy balance of sameness (eg routine) and difference (eg variety, different activities, different ways of doing things). This helps to satisfy (according to personal growth specialist Anthony Robbins), two of our key human needs

10. Some sort of reward system for a job well done, even if it’s just basking for a few moments, or giving yourself a pat on the back

An important element of this is for you to engage in the above at the level that’s right for you on that particular day.

If you’ve had little or no sleep, you may have to do more tapping or more movement to get the same amount of energy flowing as when you’ve had more sleep. If you’re feeling out of kilter, you may have to watch what you eat that day much more than when you’re feeling a little better.

The above list constitutes a strategy I’ve come up with so far, in a rough order of priority, but it’s by no means an exhaustive list.

I know how I can feel in the mornings. Some mornings I feel that my energy is at zero. I know, however, that I have things that need to be done, so just lounging in bed isn’t an option.

The above is a simple set of tools to get me from zero (energywise) to a level five, a level eight or even a nine consistently. These tools, although fairly rudimentary, have had a significant impact on my moods and my life. I hope they can help you too.

Carmen Gilfillan is the founder of Stimulus Development & Training. Stimulus is dedicated to helping people raise their game, fulfil their potential and and live their best lives. We do this through Life & Wellness Coaching, Energy Therapy consultations and training in the areas of personal, professional and spiritual growth. to book a coaching or Energy Therapy consultation.

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